Quiz about Superstitions around the World

By | December 19, 2018

All these Superstitions are randomly selected from all over the world. You just have to choose the right country where these superstitions are followed. Try this quiz it will surely be fun.

Guess this Superstion belongs to which country www.mentalfungus.com










If a Pregnant woman eats an unshapely food during pregnancy she will give birth to a ugly baby.

Correct! Wrong!

If you both say the same word at the same time while talking to each other. you will not get married. to undo this you must touch your nose immediately.

Correct! Wrong!

If you sing at the dinner table it means you're singing to the devil for your food.

Correct! Wrong!

You Shouldn't wear red during strom. it's believed that the color red attracts lightning.

Correct! Wrong!

If you enter a room with your left foot will bring you bad luck.

Correct! Wrong!

If you open up an umbrella indoors it will bring bad luck for you.

Correct! Wrong!

You should tuck Your Thumbs in When Passing a Graveyard to protect your parents.

Correct! Wrong!

You should not chew gum at night. it is equivalent of chewing on the flesh of the dead.

Correct! Wrong!

If You Let Your Purse Touch the Floor. you will Become Penniless.

Correct! Wrong!

If you say happy birthday before the day arrives. It will bring bad luck

Correct! Wrong!

You should not place two Mirrors opposite each other. It will open a doorway for the devil.

Correct! Wrong!

Whistling Indoors Invites evil. The noise is believed to summon Demons.

Correct! Wrong!

You Should not cheers with Water. If you cheers with water you're actually wishing death upon the people you're drinking with

Correct! Wrong!

If you have an itch on your right hand it means you'll come into some money.

Correct! Wrong!

Accidentally Stepping on dog's poop is considered good luck only if you do it with your left foot.

Correct! Wrong!

If you knitting outside your house it can Prolong Winter

Correct! Wrong!

If you have your haircut on Tuesday it will cause bad luck

Correct! Wrong!

If you jump over a child this will curse them to be short forever.

Correct! Wrong!

Woman don't eat goat meat over fear that it will cause them to grow facial hair.

Correct! Wrong!

Quiz about Superstitions around the World
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