How Are You? in various languages QUIZ

By | February 28, 2019

kayf halikm?

Correct! Wrong!

hogy vagy?

Correct! Wrong!

kako si?

Correct! Wrong!

jal jinaess-eoyo?

Correct! Wrong!

Kak si?

Correct! Wrong!

Hur mår du?

Correct! Wrong!

Wie geht es dir

Correct! Wrong!

Conas tá tú?

Correct! Wrong!

Pĕn xỳāngrị b̂āng?

Correct! Wrong!

cómo estás?

Correct! Wrong!


Correct! Wrong!

jak ty

Correct! Wrong!

kak tvoi dela

Correct! Wrong!

Rogor khar?

Correct! Wrong!

kuidas sul läheb?

Correct! Wrong!

Yuu baina ?

Correct! Wrong!

Pós eísai ?

Correct! Wrong!

Ce mai faci?

Correct! Wrong!

Habari yako?

Correct! Wrong!

Apa kabar?

Correct! Wrong!

How Are You In Various Languages of The World
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