Welcome Gesture from Around the World Quiz

By | January 6, 2019

guess this gesture belongs to which country

In this country Sticking your tongue out is greeting Gesture.

Correct! Wrong!

In this Country, elders are greeted by taking one of their hands and pressing gently their knuckles it on your forehead. Its sign of showing respect to elders.

Correct! Wrong!

In this Country People greet each other with a bow.

Correct! Wrong!

In this Country Men often greet each other by pressing gently their noses together.

Correct! Wrong!

In This Country pressing your palms together over your heart, and utter the word "Namaste" as a gesture of Greeting.

Correct! Wrong!

In this Country, This tribe performs an elaborate ceremony to welcome visitors called "Adamu" or jumping dance

Correct! Wrong!

In this Country, You show respect by pressing your hands together, hold them in prayer fashion, and slightly bow towards the other person. This is called the "Wai".

Correct! Wrong!

In this Country, when a new guest comes home, host will offer a hada (a cut of cotton or silk) to the guest and the guest should take it up gently with both hands and bow slightly.

Correct! Wrong!

The Famous 3 step Handshake called “Lae kae?”Belongs to this Country.

Correct! Wrong!

In this Country people of kanouri tribe greet each other by waving their fists close to their head and saying "Wooshey".

Correct! Wrong!

In this Country, People touch the feet of their elders to show respect. It is called "Pranam"

Correct! Wrong!

Welcome Gesture from Around the World Quiz
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